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Go Fishing

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.

A local reef fish dinner for 2

Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat drinking beer all day,

(like any fish, cat or dog)

Fish-Drinking-Beer cat cats animal animals beer beers alcohol alcohols drinkin drinking funny-picture-1350453634

And learn from birds how to fish 

File:Pandion haliaetus -fish -Texas-8-4c.jpgFile:Osprey with fish.jpgBird Catches Fish

bird versus fish

Bird Catches Fish

If you can’t find a fish, any baby bird or frog will do.

Pelican pied-billed grebe swims with a bullfrog in its mouth

If you can’t catch any fish, then teach the birds how to fish and then confiscate from their mouths!

This Li River fisherman, also depicted in "Wild China," practices the ancient tradition of training cormorant birds to dive and catch fish. The fisherman, floating on a bamboo raft, ties rope loosely around the birds' necks to prevent them from swallowing their prey. Dramatic as it is, modern methods increasingly render this technique impractical.

July 12 1987 — The Li River: the most frequently painted area of China.

Meanwhile the rest of the teams are fishing aboard tiny rafts using sea birds.  The birds have a rope tied around their neck, so they can catch fish but can't swallow them.  So they return to the raft and the fisherman takes the fish from their beak.

Caught ... Jeremy Wade and locals hold goonch

Now who will eat the dead animals thrown in the rivers by man?

James Fernandes, USA


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Barkur, located in Udupi Taluk, Karnataka, India. 576 210

Copyright Kishoo, Barkur 2002.